Over the past 15 years, approximately 500 Oklahoma citizens have lost their lives to the health diseases caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is a material largely used in industrial applications to strengthen, sound proof, flame and fire proof, or insulate an array of products. It can be found in everything from fire safety gear, to pipe fittings, to building siding.

Oklahoma is home to a number of industries that have used asbestos. Among the most dangerous places in terms of asbestos exposure are oil refineries, an industry that currently accounts for nearly 20 percent of Oklahoma’s economic activity. Because the refining process poses chemical and fire risks, asbestos containing products have been used extensively in oil production for a very long time. A recent study from the UK found that those on the oil processing side were at much greater risk of asbestos exposure compared to those on the oil distribution side.

Other possible sources of asbestos exposure include mines, power plants, chemical companies, shipyards, construction sites, and contaminated homes or other buildings.

Asbestos Materials causing Exposure

Asbestos containing materials become hazardous when they become compromised in some way, leading the asbestos to become friable (essentially, crushable). Friable asbestos produces a fine dust, invisible to the naked eye, which contains tiny particles of asbestos that can be inhaled or ingested. This exposure can do considerable damage to internal tissues, leading to lung diseases like asbestosis or mesothelioma cancer.

If you have been exposed to asbestos, it is important to get regular health exams to rule out or detect serious asbestos diseases like mesothelioma cancer. If you have been diagnosed with asbestos cancer, it is wise to learn about your legal options.

Oklahoma Mesothelioma Treatment Centers

Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Southwestern Regional Medical Center
10109 East 79th Street
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133

Every expert at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America know that there are no two patients or cancer cases that are exactly the same. Each clinician here offers you the best technology and treatment options. Having all of the many cancer experts here who are able to leverage their knowledge and collaborate in a single location is a major asset; it allows us to deliver the most comprehensive care possible.

At Southwestern, every OK-based doctor and clinician is focused on treating your cancer as aggressively as possible. Depending upon the exact nature of your cancer, your cancer care team could recommend that you do genetic testing, genomic assessment, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, or another option. You also may participate in certain clinical studies.

This cancer center always takes a complete, whole person approach, so that your well being is the focus before, during and after your cancer treatment. As a part of this entire, integrative model, your team could recommend that you experience various supportive therapies, such as PT, nutritional therapy, spiritual counseling, acupuncture and/or naturopathic medical care.

Cancer as always is a very complex condition, and to defeat it, your cancer center must use all of the combined talents and training of a large team of experts. Your care team here is headed by a medical oncologist and that team is coordinated by an experienced and compassionate care manager who has many years of training in caring for cancer patients.

Some of the other members of your dedicated cancer team could include surgical and radiation oncologists, pathologists, oncology nurses, and research clinicians.

The medical oncology team will work with you for most of your stay with us. They specialize in diagnosing the exact type and stage of your cancer. They will deliver all of your traditional treatments, such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and possibly hormone therapy.

For the majority of cancer patients, the medical oncologist is the primary doctor while they are receiving treatment. Your first visit to our center will last 3-5 days. During your first visit, you will need to work with several doctors, of which one is your medical oncologist. You also will consult with clinicians from the surgical department and from oncology rehabilitation.

If you will be receiving chemotherapy, your medical oncologist will work on the schedule and the dosage of each drug. You may receive your chemotherapy alone, or you could also receive other treatments at the same time.

Whatever the nature of your treatment plan, your dedicated medical oncologist will work with you to make sure that your chemotherapy is going according to schedule. He also will work with you as much as possible to reduce side effects. He or she will further find the absolute best combination of treatment options for you; the oncologist will go over your medical history and current cancer condition and will offer treatment plans that are based upon your specific needs.

If you have suffered exposure or cancer due to asbestos in Oklahoma, contact for Oklahoma Asbestos lawsuit information to learn more about your legal rights.