Understanding Pleural Thickening

Getting a diagnosis of pleural thickening might at first be more than frightening; it might also be confusing. Words like “pleura” and “mesothelioma” might, to this point, be pretty far from your experience, and if you’ve lately heard them, you’re … Continued

Sarcomatoid Mesothelioma Cancer

If you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with sarcomatoid mesothelioma, you are probably wondering what this means and how you can best make a plan for treatment and living the best life possible with the time you … Continued

Boiler Room and Furnace Makers

Boiler room employees and furnace makers are highly trained professionals. They sometimes focus on a specific element of boilers and furnaces, such as pipefitting, steam fitting, or installations. Others focus on a variety of different techniques that enable them to … Continued

Sheet Metal Workers & Asbestos

The Sheet Metal Institute has named the industry of sheet metal workers as one of the most diverse trades in the world. Those working in this industry are skilled workers who help in the construction of residential, industrial, and commercial … Continued

Insulation Workers Exposed to Asbestos

A lot of different fields use insulation, helping to control the temperature inside buildings and equipment. They are most commonly found in industrial and residential buildings, but they are also found within machinery and ships. Usually, insulation workers or insulators … Continued

Asbestos and Breast Cancer Is There a Link?

One in every eight women in this country is expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer during her life. This means it is the second most common cancer to affect women. While breast cancer can affect men, it is 100 … Continued

Is an Asbestosis Tumor Cancerous?

Asbestosis is a lung condition that is caused by asbestos exposure. There is no cure for the condition, which means that it is chronic. Asbestos was a commonly used mineral because of its fantastic properties. Long known as the ‘miracle … Continued

What Are Pleural Plaques on Lungs?

Inside your chest area, there is a two-layered membrane. One layer surrounds your lung and the other lines your rib cage. This membrane is known as the pleura. The pleura often becomes thickened, either in full or in certain parts. … Continued

Asbestosis vs Lung Cancer vs Mesothelioma

When ingesting or inhaling asbestos fibers, you are putting yourself at risk of developing a number of asbestos-related cancers. The two best known types of cancer that are linked to asbestos exposure are mesothelioma and lung cancer. However, other forms … Continued

Mesothelioma and Fluid on Lungs

People who have pleural mesothelioma, a cancer of the lungs caused by exposure to asbestos, often develop pleural effusions. This essentially means that they develop fluid on the lungs. An effusion is a medical emergency, particularly in people with mesothelioma … Continued