Asbestos Regulations

In the past, the versatility of asbestos led to its use in a number of products and processes. Since then, evidence of its toxicity has been discovered, which has led both the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Occupational Safety … Continued

Mesothelioma and Railroad Workers

The railroad industry has a long history of heavy asbestos use.  It took until the 1990’s before the industry could finally consider itself asbestos free.  For the railroad workers who labored on the tracks and in the train yards before … Continued

Products That Contain Asbestos

Products that contain asbestos are all around us. In the United States, the peak years for the manufacture of products with asbestos were from about 1940 to 1975. In the 1960s, the toxicity of asbestos as a material finally became … Continued

Asbestos Power Plants

Any power plant built in the United States before 1980 is likely to have been constructed using large amounts of asbestos.  Because power plants generate so much heat, the use of asbestos was seen as an effective measure against fire … Continued

Policemen and Asbestos Cancer

Policemen and women who work In local police departments In county sheriff’s offices As state highway patrols For federal law enforcement agencies As private security officers —may be subjected to asbestos cancer many times during their years of service to … Continued

Mesothelioma and Oil Workers & Refineries

 All of the 150 operable oil refineries in the U.S. were built previous to the implementation of federal asbestos regulations. During the construction of these refineries, asbestos was used extensively and if you’ve worked at one of these oil refineries, there … Continued

Navy Shipyard Asbestos Exposure

 In the years before and during World War II, thousands of naval shipyard workers were subjected to asbestos exposure at toxic levels. These men and women include both military personnel and civilians who spent months, often years, building and repairing … Continued

Miners and Asbestos Cancer

Unfortunately, mining is an occupation that poses serious dangers to workers, including the risk of asbestos cancer. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has been linked in recent decades to serious illnesses such as mesothelioma and lung cancer. Sadly, … Continued

Zonolite Asbestos Insulation

Asbestos insulation is estimated to be present in as many as 35 million homes in the United States. In the decades spanning the 1950s through the 1970s, asbestos was used in hundreds of building products, including: ventilation duct insulation plumbing insulation electrical insulation boiler … Continued

Asbestos in Homes and Houses

 The risk of asbestos cancer exposure in homes across the United States is very real and is of great concern to public health officials. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has described the risk of exposure to asbestos in houses, … Continued